Poem for this journey

This poem came to me after I finally have decided to go on with this journey on bike. It’s in Chinese. 星辰为盖地为毯, 天地精华日夜览 登峰越岭觅此道, 风霜雪雨也逍遥 ©2022 Opfiets.nl A ‘literal’ translation could be like this… The galaxy as my cover, the earth as the blanket The heaven’s and earth’s purity and essence are to be observed […]


The first month of my journey is over. There was such an urge to go on the journey that I started it already on January 2nd, despite the cold weather in January. Now the month is over, it looks more like a rehearsal. After closely one week of bicycling, I went to Dhamma Paijotta (a […]

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