
A few camino related information sources Santiago association in the Netherlands Santiago association in Belgium Santiago association in France Santiago association in France Information on Voie de Vezelay General information on Voie de Tours Specific information on Voie de Tours Accomodations on Voie de Tours Another site with info accomodations on Voie de Tours And one more […]

Poem for this journey

This poem came to me after I finally have decided to go on with this journey on bike. It’s in Chinese. 星辰为盖地为毯, 天地精华日夜览 登峰越岭觅此道, 风霜雪雨也逍遥 ©2022 A ‘literal’ translation could be like this… The galaxy as my cover, the earth as the blanket The heaven’s and earth’s purity and essence are to be observed […]


The first month of my journey is over. There was such an urge to go on the journey that I started it already on January 2nd, despite the cold weather in January. Now the month is over, it looks more like a rehearsal. After closely one week of bicycling, I went to Dhamma Paijotta (a […]


Welcome to my virtual home. As I’m on travel by bike, this site is my virtual home. Op (de) fiets is Dutch for on/by bike. It’s my pleasure that you are visiting here. There is a public area where you will find information regarding my travel and other things. You may also want to enter […]

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