I started my journey again this morning, from Zaandam. A place I still call home in my heart. A place where I grew up. Before I could get on the bike, a few curious people came and asked where I am heading to. Some were amazed of the 2k kilometers that I may take towards Santiago.

First heading to Haarlem by taking the ferry from Zaandam to Amsterdam, for the ‘official’ start of the route. Got my first stamp there at the Bavo church on my credential. Yes, this time I have my credential with me 😉
Then I took the coastal line in the dunes. A bit of height differences. Ok, only a few meters. Taking in the fact that it’s flat here in the Netherlands, those are the hills ;)The weather is perfect today. Sunshine. Little wind. And not so busy in the streets as well as in the nature. Not even so chilly as it should be in February! Last but not the least, the sun went down later than begin January, which gives me a bit more time to cycle 🙂 🙂 A happy day!